Search in Scanned PDF document

Dear Support;

Do you mind if you can give us some hints/ sample document/video on how to use “Search in Scanned PDF document” from Marketplace (free) with AssistEdge CE ? I am want to select certain info/data from PDF document into an excel file.


Hi @kuan

As an internal Infosys user, you already have access to plethora of e-learning content available on LEX.

To help you out -
This module can help you out to understand PDF Automation using AssistEdge - PDF Automation

This module is part of the course - Automation Studio - RPA 18.0

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello Mantri;

Thanks a lot for your information and kindness.

Kind Regards,


Hello Mantri;

I would like to check with you if I may ask your opinion regarding my error for incompatible browser (chrome). I am using google chrome since internet explorer will be outdated soon.
I follow all instructions as per manual user guide. I am not sure if 2.41(68 or 69) is causing me the problem.

Let me know if you have any suggestion where I did wrong in here. I have attached my error file. Do we support Microsoft Edge/Office 365?

Thank you very much for your time and kindness.
Wish you have a nice day.

Kind Regards,


Error.docx (144 KB)

Hi @kuan

You can follow thesen steps to update the Chrome Drivers.

I can see that you have Chrome version 91.0.4472.124
So please download, Chrome Version 91 from this link ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads

Good Morning Mantri;

Wow…thanks you very much for your information. I don’t get an error already. For your information, “health report” is showing :

My google chrome hasn’t been updated even I downloaded & updated already.

Happy learning,


| Mantri
July 1 |

  • | - |

Hi @kuan

You can follow thesen steps to update the Chrome Drivers.

None of the Deployed BOT is working whereas it works if executed normal process

Hi @hemamalini_mohan I can see you’re creating web automation using Chrome Browser. I feel, the issue in your case is of Chrome Drivers which are not updated. In Automation Studio if you’re getting the Warning of Chrome Browser Compatibility, then definitely first try updating your Chrome Drivers. Follow the below steps to update your Chrome Drivers. Verify the browser version of Chrome. Verify the compatible web driver on the web. To achieve compatibility for Studio, navigate to \ACE\Selen…

I can see that you have Chrome version 91.0.4472.124
So please download, Chrome Version 91 from this link ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads