Test Run failed but output getting blank(Error msg is not showing) while executing Database query

Hi Team,
i am running Executed Db query(Select query) as inside Db App and then i am trying to expor Db table into some other location getting Test Run failed but output is blank value, error msg is not showing.


This may be because your query is not fetching any result set. Try to run your query in some other client and check result set


Hi Amit,

We are using only putty for connecting to DB2, getting Test run failed, What ever query i am running here that is fetching details in Db2.


DB2 database is not supported in current version of CE.


Hi Amit,

can you please tell me which version of CE is supporting for DB2,
is it supporting for SQuirreL db ?


DB2 database is not supported in any version of AssistEdge. Only SQL and Oracle DB are supported through configuration.

You can write a custom Code Plugin or Microbot in order to achieve your use case. Please refer customization guide
