Not able to reuse a process in assist edge

I am not able to use a process which itself is having some other process in it.

I am getting this in error log:

ExceptionSource - ServiceConnector
ExceptionTarget - Utilities.EntityModels.WorkflowData GetReuseProcessConfigurationData(Int32, Int32)
StackTrace - Logging Stack Trace is disabled userid~ACCOUNTS\bahugund ipaddress~
co_module~SE_ACE inst_key~0 trans_key~0 trans_id~ req_id~ cust_id~ crossref_id~ workspacekey~Default datetime~2019-04-01T12:37:02.911+05:30 level~Error priority~0 srcmodule~EV.AE.Studio.ActivityDesigners.UserControls.ViewModel.SelectAppsViewModel method~selectedProcess errormessage~Failed to retrieve process for profile id: 55 errordetails~ExceptionMessage - Failed to retrieve process for profile id: 55
ExceptionSource - ServiceConnector
ExceptionTarget - Utilities.EntityModels.WorkflowData GetReuseProcessConfigurationData(Int32, Int32)
StackTrace - System.Exception: Failed to retrieve process for profile id: 55
at ServiceConnector.Studio.DashboardManager.GetReuseProcessConfigurationData(Int32 processId, Int32 parentId)
at ServiceConnector.DataServiceBaseClass.GetReuseProcessConfigurationData(Int32 processId, Int32 parentId)
at Common.XmlConfigManager.GetReuseProcessConfigurationData(Int32 processId, Int32 parentId)
at EV.AE.Studio.ActivityDesigners.Designers.ReuseProcessDesigner.ViewModel_SelectedReusedProcessEvent(StudioProcessEntity procdata)
at EV.AE.Studio.ActivityDesigners.UserControls.ViewModel.ReuseProcessViewModel.set_SelectedProcess(StudioProcessEntity value) userid~ACCOUNTS\bahugund ipaddress~



Ensure that all the process are in deployed state


Hi Amit,

I have tried deploying all the process but still getting the same error if i am trying to update a published process. it is working fine in a new process.

Kindly help as i don’t want to create my whole process again.

I think you have done some thing wrong or messed up with your db as system is not able to find process with given id
Failed to retrieve process for profile id: 55
If it is working with new process better proceed with that

I have not done anything in the database. It is solely done by assist edge itself.
Well if it occurs again then do we need to create the process again?..If yes then it is not acceptable…Also the same behaviour is observed when we edit a process again


I am not sure how your process with specific id is not present in DB. In ideal situation it should not happen


It does happen when we use reuse process and then edit the process which is using that process


When you edit a process (say process A) which is being reused in some another process (say Process B) then follow these steps:

  1. Edit / Save / Deploy Process A
  2. Open process B and reselect Process A and save > publish and deploy.