Installation Error in client system

This is the issue we are facing in the client system… can you please help us out with this?

Message: 1 : DB Installation failed, check DB logs at C:\Users\spulugurti\AppData\Local\EdgeVerve\AssistEdge_RPA_CE\Logs
StackTrace: at AEClientInstaller.View.ProgessWindow.DeployDatabase()
** at AEClientInstaller.View.ProgessWindow.<winHelp_Loaded>b__15_1()**
Source: AssistEdge_RPA_CE_Installer
TargetSite: Void DeployDatabase()

Message: 1 : DB Installation failed, check DB logs at C:\Users\spulugurti\AppData\Local\EdgeVerve\AssistEdge_RPA_CE\Logs
StackTrace: at AEClientInstaller.View.ProgessWindow.DeployDatabase()
** at AEClientInstaller.View.ProgessWindow.<winHelp_Loaded>b__15_1()**
Source: AssistEdge_RPA_CE_Installer
TargetSite: Void DeployDatabase()


Your installation is not successful and some thing has corrupted. Please try installing again

Amit Anand

Hello Amit,
After uninstalling and Reinstalling the app got installed.

Thanks and Regards,
Rahul Ramesh