Error during test run

I have configured an automation for a web application, however while trying to test run it, I got an error-lines of a control not found for a specific control. What could be the solution for this error?

Every control is identified by a specific attribute(s). It can be seen in the ‘Find By’ attribute on the Property window. This is a drop-down, in which multiple options are shown based on the control. You can try changing the value selected in the ‘Find By’ drop-down to fix the issue. As an example, a person is identified in different ways, e.g. by Name, EmployeeID, Aadhaar card number, Passport number, son/daughter of and so on… Similarly, a field or a control on a web page can be identified by the options shown in the ‘Find By’ property. These are called ‘selectors’

There may be many reasons for this. You may have closed the application after the setup environment was done or may be you haven’t saved the configuration properly. So please double click on the web application control in the flowchart window and check the specific control the application is looking for has been configured and saved or not.