Editing SAP Script

unable to edit script and post setting environment, it says launch failed, but opens up SAP. then when we try recording in sap, it starts recording , we stop it and try editing, it does not open the script…


Make sure your SAP application properties are correct and necessary interop dlls have been copied for SAP recording. Post that follow these steps to do SAP recording.

    User adds the Application activity and selects a SAP application. He then adds a SAP Recorder activity to the application activity. User opens the SAP Application and takes it to a state from where the automation steps are to be performed. User clicks on ‘Start Recording’ button on the SAP recorder activity and performs the actions on SAP application. On completing the steps, user clicks on ‘Stop Recording’ icon on the activity. User can click on Re-record icon in case the recording of the steps has to be re-done.

    A script is captured as a result of recording which can be viewed and edited if required, clicking on the ‘Edit Script’ icon on the activity.

Yes did this…bt stl clicking edit script doesnt open the script…


Ensure that you have copied correct interop dlls which are prerequisite for SAP recording

Yes, we took correct dlls as mentioned by you in another thread…