Sign in process for Login

Can anyone point me to the example for sign in process for the site where we need login and password?

Hi Naveen,

Sign In process is used for application which require user to authenticte before they can perform any operation on the application. For ex: ICICI Direct website

As part of Sign in process you will have to configure setting text in Login Id / Password and PAN fields and click on Login Now Button.


Thanks Amit. Is there any step-by-step process which I can follow for setting up Sign In process.

Hi Naveen,

Configuring Sign in process is similar to configuring any automation process. After adding the application block in flowchart launch the application. Then configure User Id field and map it to LoginId. Then configure password field and map it to password. Then configure click on Login Button. Publish and deploy the process
On doing test run you will be asked for application credential which will be used for performing sign in automation

Additionally you can download and refer Assist Edge user guide for more details from following link

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Thanks Anand. I am getting below error while setting login Id and Password. I am configuring LoginId and password for setValue and Log In button for click. Unable to find out issue from below message.

SetValue - JIRA.login-form-username Web Element not found.FindBy :id , Locator : login-form-username , Item Index :0 , Item offset : 0 SetValue Fail

Hi Naveen,

Application is not able to find web element uniquely using default selector while doing automation. Try changing selector using manual configuration option. As an alternative you can also use Java Script or Image Automation

is there an option where you can get the windows credential when u login?


You want to fetch credential from windows valult

Amit Anand

yes, can you please tell me how to do that? thanks so much


There is no direct activity to fetch credential from windows vault.

You may have to write microbot to achieve the same

Amit Anand

I deployed the sign in process, created a new process and reuse this sign in. Setup environment was successfully completed but during test run it failed.
How can I use this sign in process with rest of my process automation?


Sign in process should not be used in a Reuse block. It will get called automatically when the process is tun

Amit ANand

Thanks, it helped.

Riya Jain

Hi Amit, Could you please let me know whether the activity to fetch credentials from windows vault is not available with Community Edition? Is this option available if Enterprise Edition is used?



Fetching credential from credential vault such as Cyberark is present in Enterprise edition. There is no out of box activity to fetch credential from Windows Vault. You will have to write a microbot for the same

Amit Anand

Thanks Amit. Any help document available on how to use CyberArk in Enterprise Edition? This would be of great help to us.


Cyberark support is part of enterprise edition. If you have valid license, you can connect with support team to help you out in same

Amit Anand