Need information on Excel loop

Hi Team,

While using excel loop in process, Once we select excel from any location, path of that will be automatically get captured in AE in properties section.
Is it possible to provide path dynamically in properties section for excel loop?


Yes. Once your process configuration is complete. Create an argument say fpath. Replace fPath with actual path in Excel Loop properties window.

Process on run will pick the file given in argument fPath

Amit Anand

Hi Amit,

Thanks for the input. In our process, there are 4-5 arguments having path of different locations. So i have added all those path in excel file to take it dynamically and user can also change it if required. But problem here is, the main excel path in which i have added all paths, we have to hardcode.
Is there any way to not hardcode the path in AE tool.


I was referring to main excel path only.

For ex once you have configured process then you can replace Excel File Location property under Loop Properties with fPath argument.

Hi Amit,

Yes you are right. But the thing is, whenever will import this process in any other system then user need to edit the process and need to add file path manually.
For Example : If i have added D drive path and user want to change it to E drive then he need to edit the process and need to change that path to E drive.
If that user is not familier with AE tool, then it will be difficult for him to make this change.


That is the default value we have given. At run time during process run value will be passed dynamically from an input source which will set value of fPath argument

Amit Anand