Know the Location of Robot Farm Machines

Hi Team,

I have a use case to monitor the running status of multiple robot farm machines across the globe.
How can I monitor the running status of these machines?

For seamless monitoring of Robots Farm Machines spread across locations -

  1. Configure for AssistEdge Comprehensive Infrastructure Health Report -

  1. Add Machine specific Attribute to group of Robots- Set the location of Robots by a custom criterion.

Location Configuration in Machine specific attribute.

Hi @sumit.sagar

Thanks for prompt reply.

I am following knowledge base.
I am unable to locate the below path.


HI @sumit.sagar

Found the location of the file.

It is present at $\app\Admin\frontend\controltower\assets\config\config.json

After enabling the location, I was able to see the location card.

Great Prateek, AssistEdge 19.1 Enterprise has this capability, this functionality is not available in AssistEdge Community edition.


This functionality is optional and is available since 17.6 version of product. Functionaity needs to explicitly enabled as per user requirement. Location are configurable and value needs to be provided in config file
