How to read the pdf file and put the same data to the excel sheet

How to read the pdf file and put the same data to the excel sheet.


Use PDF Template Creator in Studio. Create a template to capture data as per your use case.
Export process in Studio.
Add a data table activity and write the data in data table. Export the data table to excel file


Suggest some project to do using RPA.

Check the sample use case on Community Edition web page.

As a beginner, you can try web based automation


I am trying to create the PDF Template.
Selected Radio button “Field Configuration”
Selected Radio button “Add New field”
Area Selection type “Fixed Rectangle”
Area drawn
There is no option/button visible to Save the changes. Is there some dll or setup missing to create PDF templates.

Once you click on “Export to studio” button the template will be saved

Hello AShish,

I don’t see the “Add field” button that we should at the left bottom. I can see this button for few of my team members.

Refer attached snapshot having Add field button.

Try resizing the screen (minimize/maximize). OR try change screen resolution.