Getting the value/attribute

Hello Anand,
I am trying to extract values located on Web-App. I have used control exist for that value, further, I have used IF function to extract that value.
Ideally, it should extract the value but I am getting an error that Interaction response is null.
How can I get rid of this issue?

Thank you.



To get value you can either use GetValue or GetAttribute interaction what ever returns value as per your use case/ application. When you use Get Attribute then you will have to give attribute such as innerText or innerHTML

To handle null value you can use try catch and capture the null value exception
Amit Anand

Thank you Amit.
I doubt that I have the knowledge regarding Catch and Capture null value exception.
Can you please explain more regarding it?

Thank you.



There is try catch activity in product. You can use the same to handle your exception

Amit Anand