Error while running Outlook activity


I tried to perform the Read and search mail activity using Outlook activity. It worked for me once but now it is showing the below error.

I tried it keeping outlook both open and closed but it’s showing the same error. Please help me out.

Thanks and regards


Possible reason

Outlook was busy processing other request or took long enough to launch.
Corrupt outlook updates.


Handle this error in a Try-Catch activity - in such a way that if the error occurs again, instead of the crash, you will catch the exception (like start it again).

Hi Amit,

I haven’t used the try catch activity as yet. What I have understood:

In the try Block: Add the read mail activity which I’m getting the error for
In the catch Block: I don’t understand what I should input as the exception. Should I leave the activities block as blank?
In the Finally Block: Add the read mail activity again so that it tries executing the process again?

Thanks for your help Amit.


Hi Stevin,

Finally block will always get executed irrespective of whether you get an exception or not. Probably you will want to try again when you get an exception depending upon your use case, so you have to put the code of finally block in catch block


Hi Amit,

I’m now getting the error for a simple excel loop too. And the Try catch activity isn’t working. I tried to use it for the excel loop too. Is this due to the corrupt office update you mentioned earlier? If so, kindly tell me what is the solution?

Thanks and regards