ChatGPT with AssistEdge RPA - Tried this integration?

Here’s a quick read for two use cases :

Use Case A : Get ML models

  1. Sign in to
  2. Navigate to the Documentation and you will find the API section
  3. Generate you secret key, and fetch the body and parameters of your favorite AI model. OpenAI API
  4. Add a Rest API application in AssistEdge RPA Studio with url
  5. Create process in AE Studio and add the Rest API application added.
  6. Select Get method and enter method as /v1/models
  7. In header pass Open AI API key
  8. Map the output variable and run your process
  9. You will get list of all out put model


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Use Case B: Text Categorization

  1. Create process in AE Studio and add the Rest API application

  2. Select Post method enter method as /v1/moderations

  1. In header pass Open AI API key
  1. As Json body pass the input parameters

  2. Map the output variable and run your process

  3. You will get text categorization as below

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With ChatGPT integration in Automation Process developed in AssistEdge Enterprise 19.1 Automation studio, Users can implement the automation processes that need human like interactions, decision based or kind of complex scenarios to handle within process - that is Automate those Process, that requires fine tuned input based on transfer learning mechanisms.

By combining AssistEdge Enterprise 19.1 with ChatGPT - can show how AI guides a Automated Business Process that requires Human Robot collaboration, where AssistEdge Robots - executes workflows which connects with ChatGPT - to leverages the detailed instruction needed in Automation Process to perform a specific task.

There can be many Complex scenarios in RPA Use Cases, that can be solved with this Integration with AssistEdge Enterprise 19.1.